ShareRingette Ontario Web Address Change
Ringette Ontario has changed its web site address from https://ontario-ringette.com/ to https://ringetteontario.com/ Please update your bookmarks. A few users have reported that links from the ERRA site to files or pages on the ORA/RO site no longer work. Please see below for a work around.When following many of the links to pages under https://ontario-ringette.com/ such as https://ontario-ringette.com/the-people/coaches/coaching-faqs/, many users have seen "Insecure Connection" or security certificate errors reported by their web browser. To work around this, please edit the address in the URL bar in your browser changing "ontario-ringette.com" to "ringetteontario.com (i.e.
Please use the above work around until we are able to update all the affeced links on this site.